Shocking New Research Suggests Frozen Produce Is Just as Nutritious as Fresh

Shocking New Research Suggests Frozen Produce Is Just as Nutritious as Fresh

This New Study Turns Conventional Nutrition Teaching On Its Head!

Many of us have long been taught that if you want to get the most nutritional value out of your fruits and vegetables, you absolutely must buy fresh produce instead of frozen. Many of us grew up believing that, while tasty, frozen fruits and veggies just didn't offer much in the way of vitamins and nutrients. So you might enjoy them, but they certainly weren't going to make you any healthier. At least that was the conventional wisdom.

However, new research is now suggesting otherwise. In fact, an upcoming study due to be published in the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis seems to demonstrate that frozen produce has just as much value as fresh. The 2-year study, conducted at the University of Georgia and funded by the Frozen Food Foundation, examined both fresh and frozen produce and found no substantial nutritional difference between the two.

For all of the details about this astonishing new study, please continue to Page (2) to learn more.

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