9 Things People Put In Their Coffee That Make Me Say “Ummm What”

9 Things People Put In Their Coffee That Make Me Say “Ummm What”

I am a HUGE fan of coffee. Today alone I am working on cup number three and I just started working for the day. I think it goes back to my childhood as my parents are both coffee drinkers. In fact, everyone in my family drinks coffee.

Now there are arguments on both sides as to whether or not this is good for you but that is not what this article is about.

I was searching online for some ways to make all natural coffee creamers when I stumbled onto some information that sent me down the eternal rabbit hole that is the internet. I found some weird things that people put in their coffee.

So, of course, I compiled the information for you on the next page because let's face it, this stuff was too strange not to tell you about it!

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  1. Salli McCarty
    Salli McCarty January 18, 22:49

    I don’t drink coffee and these all sound gross.

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  2. Video Recipes
    Video Recipes January 18, 23:00

    IMO posts about are fantastic who agrees?

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  3. Video Recipes
    Video Recipes January 29, 06:00

    Interesting post so much really great

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  4. Stefan Colwell
    Stefan Colwell January 29, 08:40

    Butter & cinnamon most definatly

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  5. Pam Cordry
    Pam Cordry February 06, 13:36

    Peanut butter….

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