A New Method. An Old Tool. An Ingenious Way To Prepare Dinner

A New Method. An Old Tool. An Ingenious Way To Prepare Dinner

Are you someone who wants simplicity when it comes to making dinner? I know I am! The last thing on my mind when I get home from work is how can I spend hours in the kitchen cooking over a hot stove.

If you spend any amount of time online you will know that everyday people are coming up with new ways to use old things. This art of repurposing has now made its way into the kitchen and frankly, I couldn’t be happier.

Stumbling across these recipes was one of the best things that we have come across in awhile!

This new trick will change the way you cook! 

I love when people take something that is meant for one thing and then uses it in a way that is completely the opposite of what it was intended for. This kind of ingenuity is what is needed in the kitchen!

While at times this can prove to be disastrous there are times when things simply work out and you are left with a masterpiece! This is true in the kitchen where sometimes out of the box thinking can bring you the best results.

So sit back and relax and let's look at the bundt pan in a whole new way.  


1 Comment

  1. Joanna Pagan
    Joanna Pagan February 18, 17:22

    I do this also

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