A Salty Blooming Indulgence: This Is The Best Appetizer In The World!

A Salty Blooming Indulgence: This Is The Best Appetizer In The World!

As far as the onion you use, it can be one large or, if unavailable, you can use a few smaller onions! The smaller ones are especially good if you don’t own a really deep fryer.

Directions To Follow!

1. Peel the Onions and cut off the ends.  Wash
2. Cut the Onion diagonally ALMOST all the way through and separate the pieces to make it “bloom”, if it falls apart don't worry you can still fry the petals
3. Place in the fridge for at least an hour.
4. Take out of the fridge and cover in “seasoning”
5. Dip in the “Batter”
6. Then dip in the “seasoning” again
7. Drop in the fryer or a deep pan with Oil
8. If using the pan, fry for a couple minutes then flip to cover.
9. Place the Onion on a LOT of paper towels to drain


No, we didn’t miss anything. Here is what you need for the seasoning:

2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper, 2 tablespoons paprika, 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder, dried oregano and ground cumin!

It’s scrumptious and luscious and, let’s face it, pretty darn cool to tell family and friends that you know how to cook a Blooming Onion!

Article Source: My Fridge Food 



  1. Ludy's Kitchen
    Ludy's Kitchen December 03, 15:00

    such great comments guys :

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  2. Thanksgiving Recipes
    Thanksgiving Recipes December 03, 16:00

    Yup Cool comment ?

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  3. Thanksgiving Recipes
    Thanksgiving Recipes December 03, 16:00

    Always love anything like this

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  4. Jessica Whalley
    Jessica Whalley December 03, 20:25

    Jennifer….mmmmh 🙂

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  5. Jennifer Sauter Brown
    Jennifer Sauter Brown December 03, 21:07

    yummy but they give me a bellyache!

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  6. Jessica Whalley
    Jessica Whalley December 03, 21:52

    Shoot :/

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  7. debi
    debi July 18, 13:26

    Wheres the recipe for the dipping sauce?

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  8. Rita Box
    Rita Box July 18, 22:55

    I love this for lunch or dinner

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  9. Brett Bullock
    Brett Bullock July 19, 00:03

    Yumm yummy

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  10. Lisa Warner
    Lisa Warner July 19, 06:59

    Whre is the dipping sauce

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  11. Andrew Ford
    Andrew Ford August 06, 03:20


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  12. Cindy Dennis Fedak
    Cindy Dennis Fedak September 27, 22:41

    I love a good bloomin onion

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  13. Christopher Ray
    Christopher Ray October 17, 20:58

    Michaela Ann

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  14. Nicole Martinoff
    Nicole Martinoff December 06, 05:47

    Will have to try.

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  15. Nora Kent
    Nora Kent December 20, 18:00

    who else really loves this

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  16. Martha Alldreadge
    Martha Alldreadge January 10, 15:09

    Want to try it

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  17. Maria Eichhorn
    Maria Eichhorn January 23, 20:33

    I can afford to go with my friends at the restaurant, and enjoy sharing it. Rather than consume 1000 plus calories all by myself.

    Reply to this comment
  18. Patricia Hebert
    Patricia Hebert February 10, 12:07


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