Mouth-Watering Smoothies for Spring

Mouth-Watering Smoothies for Spring


 1. Perfect Breakfast Smoothie

This smoothie is the perfect breakfast mix, combining oats, berries, banana, spinach and hemp powder for a power-mix that will not only take your productivity to the next level, but leave you feeling amazing at the same time. Tackle your to-do list with this smoothie as your ally, and you will own the day!

Find the recipe at: Deliciously Ella

Photo Source: Deliciously Ella



2. Pink Power Detox Smoothie

The signature ingredient in this one is beets, which are not only extremely detoxifying, but also gives the smoothie it's vibrant pink hue. Mixed in are other purifying items such as celery and lemon and the strawberries balance it out with a sweet flavor. Enjoy this bright drink when you are feeling bloated or heavy.

Ohsheglows is a smoothie expert and incredible vegan blogger! Check them out for the recipe and instructions. 



3.Green Smoothie (that doesn't taste like grass.)

We've all heard of green smoothies, but is there any way to make it less, well, green tasting? I found this recipe that completely eliminates any taste of green. This smoothie has raw kale and it can be a total challenge to cover up that bitter taste. This recipe has perfected the balance of flavors, so you can get your full serving of vitamin A without even dealing with the taste of kale.

Get the recipe at: Lauren Conrad

4. Chocolate Smoothie

If there is anything to motivate me to drink my smoothies, chocolate would be it. I have finally found a healthy and nutritious way of consuming my favorite flavor! This smoothie is rich, thick, creamy, and chocolaty, and fit to be served for dessert, or even a midnight craving!

Find out to make it at: Running With Spoons!



5. “Thin Mint” smoothie inspired by Girl Scout Cookies.

You don't have to wait all year for the delicious taste of thin mints! Nor do you have to consume countless amounts of calories in your quest for the taste! I found a smoothie that is not only nutritious, but also taste almost exactly like a girl scout thin mint cookie.

Find it here at simplegreensmoothies and you're welcome!




Eating healthy doesn't have to be sad or bland. All of these smoothies are rich, filling, and full of flavor. You can make a different one each day of the week. I suggest making yourself a little “smoothie” station in your kitchen to keep all or most of your ingredients. This way you can also make up your own delicious concoctions!

Did you try any of these? Do you have any indulgent smoothie recipes to share?

Let us know your favorite creations!



  1. Dinner's In An Hour
    Dinner's In An Hour July 28, 22:30

    IMO stuff like this are fab who agrees?

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  2. Lesa Cox
    Lesa Cox August 01, 03:45

    Hmm no coffee?

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  3. Cooking & Recipes
    Cooking & Recipes August 08, 21:01

    loving the comments everyone :p

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  4. Killer Recipes I'll Probably Never Make
    Killer Recipes I'll Probably Never Make August 08, 21:30

    IMO posts like this are marvelous who else agrees?

    Reply to this comment
  5. Daily Kitchen and Cooking Tips
    Daily Kitchen and Cooking Tips August 08, 22:30

    Agreed… Awesome info ? :/

    Reply to this comment

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