6 Pantry Staples That Should Always Be Purchased Generic

6 Pantry Staples That Should Always Be Purchased Generic

4. Frozen fruits and vegetables

Blended into smoothies, baked into desserts, or cooked into soups and casseroles, frozen fruits and vegetables don't typically exert distinct characteristics that would be noticeable between generic and name brand or even between big names. The prices, however, can vary widely. Watch for sales and stock your freezer with the best deals.

5. Nuts

I keep nuts on hand for snacking, salads, and baking. And I've bought hundreds of bags, often from stores that specialize in generic, like Trader Joe's or Aldi. I've never found a bad nut.

Except in the case of cross-contamination (i.e., avoiding certain allergens, like peanuts when you're buying almonds), the bag of nut you buy really doesn't matter.

6. Herbs and spices

When it comes to herbs and spices, generic or name brand isn't nearly as important as freshness. A fresh, new jar of store-brand spice is likely more flavorful than that jar of herbs you've had in the cupboard for five years. In fact, ethnic grocery stores can offer you killer deals on potent, flavorful spices for less.

There you have it. My thoughts on the generic vs. brand name debate. Are there things that you feel belong on this list? Let us know in the comments below.


Source: TheKtchn.


  1. Plastiware
    Plastiware August 29, 16:00

    Nice info thanks a lot really love food prep

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  2. Kristen Metcalf Hartman
    Kristen Metcalf Hartman November 12, 21:28

    I read page one but could never get it to go to page two.

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  3. Lois Goubeaux
    Lois Goubeaux November 12, 23:19

    same here

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