7 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes With Their Dishwasher

7 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes With Their Dishwasher

A few months ago my dishwasher bit the dust. We tried everything short of praying to the dishwasher Gods to make it work, but it was time to lay it to rest. So I thought hey, why not go old school and not use the dishwasher. After all, my mom did it for a long time, and she survived.  I kidded myself into thinking that it would a great nostalgic experience.

Needless to say, I was wrong.

After about day three I missed my beloved friend like I would miss a child who was away at camp. I hate the thought of dishes in the sink, and the sight of it makes me cringe but unless I were willing to wash every dish every time someone used it I would simply have to deal.

It wasn't until day 7 when I finally broke down and went and purchased a new dishwasher, because of let's face it, nostalgia isn't all it's cracked up to be.

So now I have a fantastic new dishwasher that plays me a nice song at the end of each load. I did, however, research some of the common mistakes that people take when using their dishwashers in the event that breakdown of 2016 was due to human error.

So what I have done is compiled for you on the next page a list of the 7 most common mistakes people make when using their dishwasher.

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  1. Gale Lipinski
    Gale Lipinski January 24, 02:10

    i want this kitchen

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  2. Maria Mavrogianni
    Maria Mavrogianni February 17, 03:07

    Υοu, not everyone!

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