7 Things To Avoid To Have A Truly Incredible Bowl Of Oatmeal In The Morning!

7 Things To Avoid To Have A Truly Incredible Bowl Of Oatmeal In The Morning!

Oatmeal is a great breakfast choice. It keeps you full, energized and it is super easy to make. However, if it isn't made the right way, an amazing bowl of oatmeal can turn into a mushy mess that isn't appetizing at all. These seven things to avoid will make all the difference. You'll be stunned by how irresistible your oatmeal will taste!

Seven Things To Avoid Doing To Your Oatmeal For Better Tasting Results Include:


1. Use only one variety of oats.
I love the soft, creamy texture you get from a bowl of rolled oats, but often find that it can turn to mush incredibly fast if you overcook it even slightly.  I use a mixture of half rolled oats and half steel-cut oats to get a nice mix of creamy texture.

2. Forget to toast  oats before cooking.
Take a few extra minutes before you cook them to toast them in a little melted butter, olive oil, or coconut oil on the stove first and they'll gain a nuttiness that can't be beat.
3. Boil  water with the oats.
Dumping the oats in with the water can lead to an overcooked, mushy porridge. Boil  water first, add  oats to  pot.

4. Forget to salt them.
Salting the pot while they cook is a good idea.

5. Stir and stir and stir.
Gummy, gluey oats are the result of over-stirring them while they're cooking. Cover  pot,let them do their thing.
6. Stick with the same ol' toppings.
Finish your oats with a dollop of jam or nut butter, sprinkle on toasted coconut flakes and pomegranate seeds.

7. Make a fresh batch every morning.
Mornings can be crazy, which means making a fresh pot of oatmeal each and every day isn't really feasible.  I am a fan of make-ahead oats.


When you avoid doing these seven things to your oatmeal it will turn out so tasty that it may be your new favorite go-to breakfast! Does your oatmeal turn out better when you avoid these things?

Let Us Know Your Thoughts!

Article Source: The Kitchn



1 Comment

  1. Few.fitness
    Few.fitness February 16, 10:30

    Thanks for the post

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