Heavenly Smooth & Rich Butter Cream

Heavenly Smooth & Rich Butter Cream

Butter Cream… The name just sounds tempting.


Let's face it… if your going to have a slice of cake you are probably not too worried about how much sugar is in it so stop being such a calorie-countess and lather on the sugary goodness we call butter Cream!

What makes this rich, delicious paste so incredibly orgasmic is the fact that its made with such precision and care and to be honest… cakes look ridiculous without it.

Instead of running to the store because you ran out or if your just having a bad day and need something comforting you can make it directly in your kitchen instead.


1 cup butter
1 two pound bag powder sugar (about 7-8 cups)
1 tablespoon good quality vanilla
4 tablespoons milk
dash salt


1. Put room temperature butter, vanilla, and salt into mixer. Add in powder sugar one cup at a time, alternating with the milk until you have used it all.

2. If your frosting is too thick you can certainly add more milk.


*** Helpful Hints:

Make sure to be creative and add in some different extracts and colors to give your frosting a flare.

Almond Extract is my favorite because it adds that nutty, rich taste.

The consistency of the this frosting recipe is thick enough for you to pipe roses or different decorations all over. You can make it thinner of course.


Talk To Us!

Did you try this? Let us know how it turned out! Anything that has to do with sugar and decorating we are always all over it (drooling most of the time).

Tell us what you put in your frosting and how to make our so much better.


For more recipes and ideas on these weight-inducing confectionery treats please visit: I am Baker 




1 Comment

  1. Video Recipes
    Video Recipes January 21, 12:00

    Who else? <3 ?

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