Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump: We Would Have Never Guessed They Eat This Way – We’re Shocked!

Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump: We Would Have Never Guessed They Eat This Way – We’re Shocked!

There's a good chance that it's not what these candidates are eating that are keeping them energized and in good shape on the road. It's possible what they're not eating or drinking that's leading to the health of these two presidential hopefuls.

Hillary Clinton's Eating Habits:

Clinton’s aides said she believes “If it looks bad for you, it probably is,” the Associated Press reported. One of the Democratic presidential hopeful’s particular obsessions is peppers: she munches on raw jalapeños. In fact, one aide said “she ate them like potato chips” during her 2008 campaign.

Donald Trump's Eating Habits:

Trump has said he doesn't drink any form of alcohol, ever. He has a soft spot for bacon and eggs; he prefers the bacon medium and the eggs over-well.

Trump told People that he had dropped 15 pounds on the campaign trail because of a lack of appetite. Instead, he said, he often only snacks.

So there you have it Hillary Clinton likes peppers and Donald Trump at times doesn't eat at all. I could imagine the rigors of campaign life leading one to lose their appetite. I guess many can attest Trumps shape to the fact that he doesn't indulge in alcohol.

Article Source: Huffington Post


  1. Paul Borkovec
    Paul Borkovec July 25, 14:31

    why do you have to keep bringing in politics? just post recipes and keep this crap out of here or I’m gone. There are plenty of places to get good recipes from

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  2. Christy Sue
    Christy Sue July 25, 14:55

    I see changes in the school lunch program coming !

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