How to Give That Cake A Beautiful Gloss Coating

How to Give That Cake A Beautiful Gloss Coating

This Transforms Any Cake Into a Gourmet Treat!

Enrobing a cake sounds like a complicated and perhaps delicate operation that should only be undertaken by a professional pastry chef. Right? Well, not really. It may sound complex after all enrobe is kind of a big, fancy word, but it's not as difficult as you might think. It simply refers to coating a cake with ganache, which is a rich and creamy type of frosting that makes any cake especially decadent.

There are many types of ganache you can use, from dark chocolate to white chocolate, with each requiring its own proportion of chocolate to cream. Any will do; it just depends on your personal taste and what kind of effect you're going for with your cake. We really like blond chocolate, which is a type of caramelized white chocolate, and is what we often use. But you can use any type of ganache.

To learn how to enrobe a cake with ganache, please continue to Page (2) for the complete instructions.

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