Love Spicy Food But Hate The Burn? Scientist Found A Way To Block Out The Pain Associated With Eating Peppers

Love Spicy Food But Hate The Burn? Scientist Found A Way To Block Out The Pain Associated With Eating Peppers

The new chemical is based on Capsaicin, which is found in many spicy foods and has a myriad of health benefits. These include treating arthritis and various skin conditions, in addition to preventing prostate cancer.

Researchers are now experimenting with capsazepine, a groundbreaking synthetic chemical imbued with a neutralizing agent that prevents the pain you feel after wolfing down overly spicy food. It's basically a fake form of capsaicin, which is the naturally occurring irritant (aka destroyer of bodily senses) that makes chili peppers such killers. But instead of adding to the heat, this synthetic works as an antidote, disarming TRPV1, the pain receptor triggered by eating capsaicin. Basically, a dose of this sucker and you can stuff your mouth full of a pepper 10 times hotter than a habanero and 400 times hotter than Tabasco sauce without shedding a single tear.

There are also a slew of health benefits linked to consuming capsaicin in relative moderation. Studies have shown that the chemical can aid in treating arthritis, skin conditions, and even prostate cancer prevention. But without capsazepine, the bad definitely outweighs the good — nobody wants to risk burning a hole in their esophagus just to clear up a nasty bout of plaque psoriasis.

As exciting as that sounds, capsazepine wasn't exactly made with hot-headed YouTubers in mind. The scientists behind the drug are hoping their creation could serve as an alternative to the many prescription pain medications that have been linked to a skyrocketing number of public health issues across the country.


If this works, this will definitely make eating hot and spicy food much less painful. However, the effects only last a short time, and researchers still have a lot of work to do to determine the chemical's effectiveness.

We'll Be Watching This Closely!

Article Source: Thrillist



  1. Nora Kent
    Nora Kent October 18, 09:30

    Great! thanks a lot really love

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  2. Christine Robinson
    Christine Robinson October 18, 09:43

    You mean another “miracle” pain reliever that doesn’t work just like the crap tramadol they are giving us? Not everyone is fooled by placebos.

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  3. Anonymous
    Anonymous October 18, 13:08

    Mmmm spicey

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