Simple Tips To Help Everyone Decide Whether They Need Top Round Or Chunk Roast For Their Dinner!

Simple Tips To Help Everyone Decide Whether They Need Top Round Or Chunk Roast For Their Dinner!

Quite a few of us have stared at meats in the grocery store trying to figure out what to get. The choices are usually been top round and chunk roast. Maybe you have even bought one thinking they are basically the same. These tips will tell you just how different they really are. You may be shocked by what you discover!

The Key Differences Between Top Round And Chunk Roast Are:

While both are large, tough cuts of budget-friendly beef, the main difference that sets these two roasts apart is where on the animal they're cut from. Top round roast is cut from the rear leg and is more lean than chuck roast, which is cut from the shoulder and contains more fat.
 Top Round Roast
Top round roast is the cut that's most commonly used for deli roast beef. It's also the same area that London broil is cut from. Roasting is the best cooking method for top round roast, although it can also be used for quicker-cooking stews and braises.


Chuck Roast
It's a tougher cut that contains more fat, collagen, and connective tissue.This makes it an ideal candidate for the slow cooker and dishes like pot roast, braises, and stews.
Top round roast and chuck roast don't work well when used interchangeably.


These tips are so simple that you'll never worry about buying the wrong cut of beef ever again! Have you used these tips before?

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To find out even more about the differences between top round and chunk roast, you can go to:

The Kitchn

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