The One Mistake Everyone Always Makes With Their Dishwasher

The One Mistake Everyone Always Makes With Their Dishwasher

Dishwashers revolutionized house cleaning in a way that was mind boggling. Every night families would gather around the tables. Eating home cooked meals that many times were made from scratch leaving a pile of dishes in their wake. After dinner, the daunting task of washing every dish would fall to someone in the household. A mother, a child…someone had to clean up the mess.

Then along came the dishwasher and everyone rejoiced. It wasn't perfect but it was a vast improvement over having to stand over the sink for long periods of time breaking your back just to wash some dishes. Families now had more time to spend together, or at the very least go their separate ways in peace. There is one problem though that has plagued the minds of anyone who has had a dishwasher.

Why do clean dishes still come out dirty?

This is something that even the cleanest of neat freaks can relate to. There is nothing worse than running your dishwasher and having clean dishes come out with random things dried onto the surface. If this problem has happened to you more than once and it has left you very frustrated. Chances are you might be loading your dishes the wrong way.

I know it seems so simple right. I honestly never thought there was a “wrong way” to load the dishwasher. As long as the blades on the top and bottom were not blocked it was all okay. Well, don't fret as this simple and informative instruction guide will show you the proper way to load dishes so they come out all clean and shiny the first time!

So let's keep reading and see if the way you load up your dishwasher is the way that the pro's say you should! 



  1. Andy Kyle
    Andy Kyle September 07, 16:56

    Get rid of it, and put a beer fridge in its place…problem solved!

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  2. Angie McDonald
    Angie McDonald October 08, 17:53

    As if all my dishes match. I don’t have “place settings” I have a few glasses some plastic cups several coffee mugs dipping sauce bowls salsa bowls plastic and glass cereal bowls plates all sizes a stray Tupperware bowl with no lid maybe a spatula mixing bowl and some mismatched silverware. Chances are, Anyone that has their$#%&!@*together enough to have matching dishes and “place settings” either know how to load a dishwasher or has someone else that does it for them! LOL

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  3. Nicole Martinoff
    Nicole Martinoff January 02, 20:31

    I load mine pretty well the same way! They come out clean.

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