Traditional Persian Fesenjoon

Traditional Persian Fesenjoon

Now, the skill level for this dish, since I have made it many times is sort-of difficult but if you thoroughly read the instructions and have all of the right ingredients you should be fine.

Ingredients To Gather:

  • 2 medium onions
  • 8 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 ½ lb. crushed walnuts (Please get more walnuts than you need. For this dish you add them as they come).
  • 3 cups water
  • 2 lb. boneless, skinless chicken pieces (You don't have to add in chicken, just serve over rice).
  • ½ cup pomegranate concentrated juice/syrup (The best brand name is Saadaf).
  • 1 tsp salt
  • ¼ tsp turmeric
  • ¼ – ½ cup sugar (to taste).

Directions To Follow: 

1. Finely dice onion and sauté in 4 tablespoon vegetable oil until evenly, golden brown. Take extra precaution to not burn the onion or have the edges black. Once complete, strain onion from the oil. Discard oil.

The stewed walnuts produce an oil this is why you need to strain the oil.

2. Place walnuts and three cups of water in a blender and mix until liquefied with small granules. Add more water if the mixture is not runny.

Think of Peanut Butter… You got to blend them into that consistency but now powder-like!

3. In a large stew pan, over medium-high heat, bring the above walnut mixture to a gentle boil- constantly stirring to prevent settling of the walnut on the bottom of the pot and also to prevent the mixture from boiling over. Again, add cold water to the mixture if needed to create a runny consistency. Bring the heat down low and continue to stir for an hour.

4. Add onions to the mixture and continue to stir.

5. Add ½ tsp. salt and pomegranate syrup to the walnut mixture and continue to simmer over low heat. Again continue to stir every thirty minutes to prevent settling of the walnut at the bottom of the pot. Allow mixture to boil for 3 hours to allow the walnuts to exude its natural oil. The finished consistency should be similar to runny oatmeal; if not, add cold water to the mix until a runny consistency is achieved. If the mixture has too much liquid, continue to boil until the excess liquid evaporates.

6. Add sugar (to taste) to the mixture and continue to simmer.

Add more Pomegranate Syrup to the mix if you want it a little bit cheaper.

7. Meanwhile, in the same frying pan, heat remaining oil and lightly brown chicken pieces. Sprinkle turmeric and remaining salt. Do not fully cook pieces.

8. Add chicken and all of the juices and oil to the walnut mixture and continue to cook for another hour.

9. Taste the walnut mixture and add more salt or sugar to taste. This dish is delightful with Persian rice, or it can be enjoyed cold with pita bread to snack on the leftovers (if any is left).

~*~ Helpful Little Notes ~*~

*** Hint: For those of you trying to look for an easy way out and to throw everything in a Crock-Pot… Tough chance! This dish needs to be stirred frequently and needs special attention. Just pull out a pot!

*** Hint: Your stew may be lighter or darker depending on how much pomegranate syrup you put in. don't worry if it is dark brown.

*** Hint: This is not supposed to be a SUPER-Sweet dish. Instead of sugar-chicken you are trying to achieve a sweet and savory taste.


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  1. Nicole Anderson
    Nicole Anderson January 21, 00:30


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