We Just Learned What Hot Sauce Does to Your Body & To Be Honest We’re A Little Concerned About It!

We Just Learned What Hot Sauce Does to Your Body & To Be Honest We’re A Little Concerned About It!

Here are just a few surprising tidbits about hot sauce and how it affects your body. Some of these came as no surprise to us, while others were quite shocking!

Check This Out…

It stimulates pain receptors on your tongue
The capsaicin in hot sauce tricks your mouth into believing that it’s actually hot by binding to a sensor found in taste buds on your tongue.

It confuses your brain
Since this receptor is activated both by heat and capsaicin…its stimulation makes your brain believe that the temperature is higher than it really is.

It raises your core temperature
Hot sauce raises your body temperature…you sweat, turn red as your capillaries dilate, and your nose runs as your mucous membranes try to flush out whatever is behind this.

It gets you drooling
The burning sensation on your skin and mucous membranes increases saliva flow, making you swallow more. Similarly, touch your eyes and your tear ducts will go into overdrive.

It increases blood flow to the stomach
Those pain receptors in your mouth can also be found in your intestinal wall, which is similarly stimulated to the point that you may experience stomach cramps.

It makes you happy
Your brain responds to the fact that it believes you are on fire by releasing endorphins, similar to a runner’s high.

It boosts your circulation
Hot sauce acts as a general stimulant, increasingly blood flow to the stomach, elevating your heart rate, and generally adding zing to every system in your body.

It makes you live longer
Numerous studies show that the mega dose of vitamin C in capsaicin…leads to generally increased lifespans among hot sauce lovers.

Wow! We knew hot sauce tasted good, but we had no idea it had this kind of effect on your body. However, we're all for something that makes you feel good and live longer!

Article Source: Thrillist

Photo Source: Dan Evans/Thrillist



  1. Gloria Payne
    Gloria Payne May 17, 21:31

    Chuck Stade, I’m worried about you!

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  2. Chuck Stade
    Chuck Stade May 18, 02:51

    this isn’t anything new to me! lol

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