Why Everyone Needs To Give Up Pre-Packaged Supermarket Beef

Why Everyone Needs To Give Up Pre-Packaged Supermarket Beef

While most of us do not have all the time in the world to grind our own meat, but as you will later in this article, we should all take the extra time to stop by the butcher counter and ask them to do it.

There's nothing wrong with taking a shortcut here and there, but sometimes these shortcuts make things easier but also affect the quality of the food.

That's often the case when you buy pre-ground beef patties for your hamburgers. Sure, it's a lot easier than having the beef ground when you buy it, but according to cookbook author, “Meathead Goldwyn”(yes you read that right!) pre-ground patties aren't as juicy, tender or flavorful as meat that's just been ground. That's we he advocates always having the meat ground when you buy it.

However, aside from losing out on major flavor when you buy pre-packaged, there is another downfall that you need to be made aware of. If you have ever, ever, ever bought pre-packed meat you need to see this ASAP!

To Learn How To Get The Best Ground Beef For Your Burgers, Please Continue To The Next Page For The Full Recipe… 


1 Comment

  1. The best recipes of the food
    The best recipes of the food December 09, 18:44

    Interesting info this is really good more on salad please

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