Worlds Best Bacon Tart: A New Way to Look at Bacon

Worlds Best Bacon Tart: A New Way to Look at Bacon

I have come to the conclusion that if you do not love bacon you should not be trusted.

Okay, I'm (slightly) kidding on that one but seriously how can you not love what seems to be the world's most perfect food. Thankfully for those of you who share my affinity for all things bacon you will seriously love this next dish. Not only is it super easy to prepare but it will amaze everyone who gets to taste this delicious dish.

Step 1: Use a standard sauté pan, grease it up with butter, oil or cooking spray but we advise butter because w you're about to eat a lot of bacon and potatoes so really whats the use.

Step 2: Line your pan with parchment paper  (this helps keep your bacon from sticking to the pan.) The grease you used will help the parchment paper stay in place.

Step 3:  Use 2 pounds of bacon, line the pan with a single layer of bacon strips from the middle to the outside of the pan. It will look like it has fanned out.  Continue around the pan until the whole pan is lined with bacon.

Make sure to alternate the sides of the bacon to even out the depth and so you don't wind up with a big fat mound in the center. 

Step 4:  Slice your potatoes and place them in the bacon in a thin layer and season according to taste

Step 5: Now you are going to want to take a large helping of a good melting cheese and lay it on thick.

Now repeat steps 4 and 5 

Step 6: Fold the bacon over top of this cheesy starchy goodness. Because bacon shrinks a little when cooked you will want to place a lid over the top of the bacon mound to hold in place. (*see pic)


Step 7: You will now cook this delicious dish for 2.5 hours at 350 degrees. Don't stress it this is well worth the wait and you want it to cook evenly.

Step 8: Time to eat!!!

Let us know if you give this a try! Any tips you think we could add to make this better?

Source: Chef Michael Smith

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  1. Video Recipes
    Video Recipes February 12, 04:00

    Valuable Post

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