5 Crockpot Recipes That Will Wow Everyone

5 Crockpot Recipes That Will Wow Everyone

For some, cooking can be therapeutic. A way fo them to unwind after a long day. If you truly have a passion for cooking the coming home after a hard day at work to cook a meal for you or your family is well worth the time and effort.

Then there's the rest of us…the ones who like cooking but frankly, don't feel like doing it most days. We are the ones who like to keep things simple. We are the ones who the slow cooker was made for!

At the end of a very long and productive day, the last thing that I actually want to do is cook dinner. I find most evenings on my way home praying that my Husband secretly won the lotto and hired me a personal chef! Then I walk in the front door and reality slaps me in the face, I am the personal chef! This is why I'm a huge fan of slow cooker meals. They are truly a lifesaver that I could not function without. Fun fact, I have 2 spare slow cookers boxed up in my kitchen, just in case mine ever dies. Sure they were gifts and my husband has begged me to get rid of them but I refuse! If my slow cooker ever dies…I want to know I have a spare ready and waiting!

Picking only five of my favorite meals was a challenge, but I can't give away all of my secrets at once! These recipes are so simple and they are far from mother's old pot roast that tasted like rubber!

So do yourself a favor and make life a little easy, get home to a cooked meal! Find all five recipes on the next page!



  1. Karen Prochaska Barger
    Karen Prochaska Barger November 07, 03:28

    Where are the recipes?

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  2. JoAnn Kupcho Trenary
    JoAnn Kupcho Trenary November 08, 05:21

    Tells you next to picture.

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  3. Patty Hudson Kline
    Patty Hudson Kline November 19, 19:33

    I didn’t see the recipe for this.

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  4. Tim Mashburn
    Tim Mashburn January 12, 02:34

    Bonnie Mashburn, Debra Rote

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  5. Sandy Rockafellow
    Sandy Rockafellow January 27, 10:04

    Great information

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